After a brief 8-year break, I decided to start blogging again! I shut my blog down back in 2016 because it just wasn’t something I was prioritizing at the time, and I was raised to do it right or not do it at all. Here is what motivated me to start blogging again:

Reason #1 – To Help Others

A couple of months ago I had a chance to catch up with a few developers I used to work with. As they were telling me about what they were doing at their new jobs, I mentioned a tool I had used on a previous project and gave them a suggestion that it might be a good fit for what they are doing. A few days later they messaged me saying they had looked into it, and it was a great solution for what they needed. That episode reminded me how GOOD it feels to help others out by sharing knowledge.

Reason #2 – Self Improvement

In a way this is the inverse of reason #1, by helping others you often get back more than you give. My motivation, other than helping others, is for personal growth. There is a saying that the best way to learn is to teach.

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